Education Project
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Education Project
Ensuring a quality education for all remains at the heart of our work. We believe education is a vital tool to alleviate poverty and essential to national and global development, providing the foundations for a brighter future. That is why we are committed to long-term educational support, from early childhood development, primary and secondary schools, to vocational training and skills acquisition, and higher education.
According to the United Nations (UN), 57 million children are still out of school and more than half of them live in sub-Saharan Africa. Although enrolment in primary education in developing countries has reached 91%, our education programmes create a space for students of all ages, from preschool to university level, combining practical and academic studies, with sustainable life skills to strengthen participation in community development.
Our work empowers girls and women while encouraging more girls to stay in school, see the possibilities ahead of them and reach their full potential.
The future in Africa depends on education and those who are determined to help others overcome barriers to meaningful education, and skills training courses to help create economic and social development for themselves and their families.

Thoughts About Our Work

Meet Ashley
I thought about the times in my life when I couldn’t even afford $5 for a book. That’s when it hit me. Wouldn’t it be cool if the price tag said, ‘5 jumping jacks and a sit-up. Chris raised $70k to help his neighbor Norma stay in her home.

Meet Chris & Norma
I thought about the times in my life when I couldn’t even afford $5 for a book. That’s when it hit me. Wouldn’t it be cool if the price tag said, ‘5 jumping jacks and a sit-up. Chris raised $70k to help his neighbor Norma stay in her home.

Carolina Monntoya
I thought about the times in my life when I couldn’t even afford $5 for a book. That’s when it hit me. Wouldn’t it be cool if the price tag said, ‘5 jumping jacks and a sit-up. Chris raised $70k to help his neighbor Norma stay in her home.

Meet Goldin
I thought about the times in my life when I couldn’t even afford $5 for a book. That’s when it hit me. Wouldn’t it be cool if the price tag said, ‘5 jumping jacks and a sit-up. Chris raised $70k to help his neighbor Norma stay in her home.